
Startup Name:

Category: Social Entrepreneurship

Stage: Pre seed

Country: United States

Startup Website: www.juntosalimos.org

About: JuntoSalimos relies on a technological platform on which entrepreneurs and advisors interact so that entrepreneurs find solutions to the challenges they have, promote their ventures and connect with relevant people. It democratizes the startup landscape for entrepreneurs and advisors by leveraging accumulated community wisdom and facilitating the interactions and the networking across countries. It welcomes all startups (including just initial ideas) and leaves it to the community which ideas get promoted and to what extent. At the same time, it welcomes all advisors and leaves it to the community to judge the quality of the ideas provided by them. Its main capabilities are: In-house developed technological platform for startup promotion: any budding entrepreneur can post her new startup, which is exposed to the entire community and over social media. Idea marketplace: within the startup profile, the entrepreneur can post her questions or hypothesis to be tested and then get helpful advice from peer entrepreneurs and advisors. The salient feature of JuntoSalimos is that there is no pre-filtering for any entrepreneur since the platform is fully gamified and the quality of each user’s contribution (i.e. the challenge/question asked by the entrepreneur) is rewarded organically. Furthermore, it is totally open to all ventures, and startups grow by their merits and the engagement of their entrepreneurs. Match-making algorithm between entrepreneurs and advisors/investors: the power of JuntoSalimos lies in its strong global network of like-minded entrepreneurs and advisors. The platform offers a revolutionary machine-learning matching technology developed in house that connects compatible entrepreneurs with advisors, entrepreneurs with entrepreneurs, and advisors with advisors. Reputation Builder for entrepreneurs and advisors: JuntoSalimos has developed a gamification system that allows the community to rank user’s contributions, therefore, to organically curate the content within the platform. Support to entrepreneurship ecosystems: apart from allowing these communities to support all the entrepreneurs that they reject for their programs, and to create their online community and connect it with other communities, JuntoSalimos wants to become the Google Analytics for entrepreneurship communities. Through the data mining algorithms that we have designed and developed in house, the platform helps communities map their ecosystem by: Measuring the activity within their ecosystem. Assessing the impact achieved on their entrepreneurs and by their advisors. Proactively identifying their entrepreneurs’ needs. Evaluating the talent of their advisors and classifying it by knowledge areas. Transparency: all the content in JuntoSalimos is open to anyone except for the mapping reports, whose access is restricted to the paying communities. This addresses JuntoSalimos’ goal to generate useful content so that all entrepreneurs can benefit from the ideas received by other peers and the success or not of their implementation. Finally, it is noteworthy that the technology developed at JuntoSalimos is open source as we believe in the principle of openness to collaboratively generate innovation.

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